Navy Women's Lacrosse Singing Toby Keith's "Courtesy Of The Red, White, And Blue" Has Me Fired All The Fucking Way Up

Talk about getting chills. Talk about American Heroes. And talk about the perfect fucking video for this weekend. I know it appears to be a couple weeks old, but I just saw it this morning, and now I'm ready to run through a brick wall and/or drink a million beers today. The Naval Academy singing "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue" from the late Toby Keith as they celebrate in the locker room? What a breathe of fresh American air. Because let's not beat around the bush here: you don't see this type of patriotism on college campuses these days. You see all these fucking weirdos thinking they're more important than they are, acting like they're social justice warriors doing hunger strikes until they get hungry, locking themselves into buildings and demanding the college give them food, and my personal favorite, cutting up garbage cans to try and use as shields to get past the police barrier:

Holy shit, I'm not that old, but this is my first "back in my day" moment. Like, what ever happened to getting a 30-rack of cheap beer and trying to get pick up chicks? Now these kids are more worried about world relations and politics than trying to beat the clock at the campus bar offering $1 pitchers at 1pm, $2 pitchers at 2pm, etc etc. You couldn't have paid me to protest anything in college, but I remember when the United States killed Osama Bin Laden back in 2011 and Ohio State's campus stopped everything as everyone got drunk and jumped into Mirror Lake.

People are talking about who to vote for in the next election, waging the pros and cons of hands down the two worst candidates of all time, but I say we remove the age limit and elect this girl:

The way she pumps up the crowd like she's getting everyone on their feet for 4th down on the sold out, small town high school football game gave me fucking goosebumps. This young woman, and these young women, are already American heroes in my book for reminding me that some people in college still actually do love our country. Thank you for your service, ladies. 

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